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The Red River in Spanish - World Tour

The Red River (Rio Colorado in Spanish) is a tributary of the Urubamba River that runs through the valleys of Cusco, Peru.

Red River in the valleys of Cusco, Peru

Cusco is a region in Peru that is known for its rich history, stunning scenery, and vibrant culture. The region is home to many important archaeological sites, including the famous Machu Picchu, as well as vibrant cities, traditional villages, and beautiful natural landscapes.

While there is no Red River in Cusco, the region is home to many other important waterways, including the Vilcanota River, which is an important source of water for agriculture and hydroelectric power in the region. The Vilcanota River is also a popular destination for white-water rafting and kayaking.

Click on below image to see Rio Colorado Red River on Google earth

Other important rivers in the region include the Urubamba River, which runs through the Sacred Valley and is home to many important Inca ruins and archaeological sites, and the Apurimac River, which is one of the main tributaries of the Amazon River and is known for its stunning scenery and challenging rapids.

The red color of the river is a seasonal phenomenon.

Scientists have found out that the acquired color is a consequence of the flow of mountain waters through a valley saturated with many different minerals. 

In particular, we are talking about iron oxide, because it lies in large quantities under the soil.

Facts of Rio Colorado in Spanish

  • The Red River gets its name from the reddish-brown color of its waters, which are caused by the high levels of iron oxide in the soil.
  • The river flows through the Sacred Valley of the Incas, a region that is home to many important Inca ruins and archaeological sites.
  • The Red River is fed by several smaller streams and tributaries, including the Huatata River, which runs through the town of Pisac.
  • The river is a popular destination for kayaking and white-water rafting, with rapids ranging from class II to class IV.
  • The surrounding valleys and mountains offer stunning views of the river and the surrounding landscape, making it a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts.
  • The Red River is an important source of water for agriculture in the region, with many farmers using irrigation systems to water their crops.
  • The river is home to a variety of wildlife, including otters, Andean geese, and the giant otter, which is an endangered species.
  • The Red River is also an important spiritual site for the Quechua people, who have lived in the region for thousands of years.
  • The river has been used for centuries to transport goods and people between the various towns and villages in the region.
  • The Red River is just one of many beautiful natural features that can be found in the valleys of Cusco, which is known for its stunning scenery and rich cultural heritage..

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