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What is Cloud Computing? or Defination of CC

Cloud Computing

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is a model for delivering on-demand access to shared computing resources, such as servers, storage, databases, software, and applications, over the internet. In cloud computing, resources are pooled together and made available to users on a pay-per-use basis, similar to the way that utility services, such as electricity and water, are delivered.

Cloud computing is typically delivered through a service model that allows users to access and use computing resources without the need for complex infrastructure and maintenance. The cloud infrastructure is owned, operated, and maintained by cloud service providers, who are responsible for ensuring the availability, security, and scalability of the services.

There are three main types of cloud computing services:

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): This provides access to fundamental computing resources, such as servers, storage, and networking, that users can manage and configure themselves.

Platform as a Service (PaaS): This provides a complete platform for building, deploying, and managing applications without the need for users to manage the underlying infrastructure.

Software as a Service (SaaS): This provides complete software applications that are hosted by the cloud service provider and accessed over the internet, without the need for users to install or manage the software themselves.

Cloud computing has become popular due to its flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness, enabling businesses to access the computing resources they need to grow and innovate, without having to invest in and manage their own infrastructure.

How Cloud Computing Works?

Cloud computing refers to the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, and analytics, over the internet. In cloud computing, resources are accessed and shared from a pool of remote servers hosted on the internet, rather than a local server or personal computer.

Here is a general overview of how cloud computing works:

  • Clients (users) access cloud computing services over the internet using a web browser or application.
  • The client sends a request to the cloud computing service provider to access a specific resource or service.
  • The cloud service provider retrieves the requested resource from the cloud infrastructure and returns the result back to the client.
  • Cloud computing services are typically provided through a pay-per-use model, meaning clients only pay for the resources they consume.
  • The cloud infrastructure is composed of a vast network of servers and data centers managed by the cloud service provider. The infrastructure is designed to be highly scalable and flexible, allowing resources to be easily added or removed to accommodate changes in demand.
  • Cloud computing services can be categorized into three main types: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Each type offers different levels of control, management, and customization.

Overall, cloud computing provides a cost-effective, scalable, and flexible way to access computing resources and services without having to invest in and manage expensive hardware and software on-site.

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